Christmas Bible Reading Plan for Children

This post contains two Christmas Bible Reading Plans for Children — one for older children and teens and one for younger children.  The plans explore Old Testament prophecies related to Jesus as well as the entire Christmas story as recorded in the New Testament.  There are also ideas for activities that your children can do by themselves or along with you, such as crafts, journal entries, service projects and videos.   All of this is designed to help your child grow in his faith this Christmas season!  Scroll down and you will find a link to the downloadable pdf files, or just keep scrolling and you will see the entire plan right on this page.

Also, if you are looking for a fun – yet meaningful – series to use with your kids this Christmas, check out “Christmas Party! 4 Gospel-Centered Lessons for Kids”. I think you and your kids will enjoy it 🙂

 I pray that you will have the absolute best Christmas season ever!

And that you will stay 100% focused on Jesus Christ during this season!

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Bible Reading Plan for families

Christmas plan independent (printable pdf)

Christmas plan Read to Me (printable pdf)


Week One

___ Monday: Malachi 3:1-7
Who does God say He will send? What will this person’s job be? What does God say about Himself? Since God does not change, what do you think His response is to what is going on in the world today? How about in your own life?

Here is a prayer you can sing to the Lord asking Him to purify your heart.

___ Tuesday: Malachi 4
What does God say is coming soon? What do you think this refers to?  Who is God going to send before this day? This was the last word the people heard from God for 400 years!! It was a warning and a promise . . . 400 years later, this promise was fulfilled, and you will start reading about it tomorrow.

___ Wednesday: Luke 1:5-25
What happened to Zacharias the priest in this passage? What was he promised? How did he respond? Why do you think he was punished for his response?

___ Thursday: Isaiah 7:10-16
What was the sign the Lord promised in these verses? Do you know what the name “Immanuel” means? It means “God with us”. Who do you think these verses are talking about?

___ Friday: Luke 1:26-38
What happened to Mary in these verses? How was her response different than Zacharias’s? How does this fulfill the prophesy in Isaiah? Mary was willing to let God use her however He wanted. Are you willing to do the same? What do you think God might want you to do for Him today?

Additional Activities: Make a graphic novel portraying the events you read about this week, write a journal entry from the perspective of Mary and Zacharias after receiving their messages from God, make an angel Christmas ornament or craft to decorate your house.

Week Two

___ Monday: Luke 1:39-45
Where did Mary go after hearing from the angel? Why do you think she went there? How did Elizabeth respond when she saw Mary? How did the baby in Elizabeth respond? What do you think Mary and Elizabeth did together for three months?

___ Tuesday: Luke 1:46-56
What are some of the ways that Mary praises the Lord in these verses? What do you have to praise the Lord for? How has He been mighty in your life? Spend some time praising Him now!

___ Wednesday: Luke 1:57-66
What did Elizabeth and Zacharias name their baby? Why? What happened when they named the baby? The people kept asking what this child would turn out to be . . . do  you know? Who was this child? How did he fulfill the prophecies in Malachi?  (For a fun video on this passage, see the Read to Me plan for this day)

___ Thursday: Luke 1:67-80
What are some of the ways that Zacharias praises the Lord? Zacharias says that we can serve God without fear. What do you think this means? How are you serving God without fear?

___ Friday: John 1:1-18
Who are these verses talking about? Who was the Word that was with God in the
beginning? Who was the one who came testifying about that Word? Because of the
Word, all of us have the right to become a child of God. How? Are you a child of God?

Here is a simple song to the tune of “Simple Gifts” that can help you memorize John 1:1-2:

Additional Activities: Write your own prayer to God similar to Mary and Zacharias’s prayers, Spend some time singing songs of praise to God, Tell someone about the day you became a child of God, Spend some time volunteering at a local pregnancy center

Week Three

___ Monday: Matthew 1:18-25
Who appeared to Joseph? Why? What was Joseph’s response? This passage has a prophecy fulfilled . . can you find it? What does Immanuel mean?

___ Tuesday: Micah 5:1-5(a)
Where does this say the Promised One will be born? What will He do for His people? According to verse 5, what will He be? How is Jesus YOUR peace?

___ Wednesday: Luke 2:1-7
How did Mary and Joseph end up in Bethlehem? Do you think Caesar Augustus had the idea of a census all on his own? Explain. Here is an interesting video to watch at this point:

___ Thursday: Luke 2:8-20
What happened to the shepherds? How did they respond? How did they find Mary,  Joseph, and the baby? The shepherds left and told everyone they saw about the baby. Are you telling others about Jesus? How are some ways that you can do that this  week?

Another great video for you:

___ Friday: Isaiah 49:6-13
What is Jesus called here? (a ____ to the _____). What do you think that means? You are also called to be a light. What are some ways that you can be a light to those around you?

Additional Activities: Find a map of Bethlehem. Trace the route that Mary and Joseph may have taken, Make a Christmas card to give to someone but on it include some of the verses that you read this week – use the Christmas card as a way to be a light, Draw a traditional nativity scene – include Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and the shepherds. Hang it as a Christmas decoration.

Week Four

___ Monday: Luke 2:21-35
Who met Jesus in these verses? Why was he so excited? What did he say about  Jesus? Does this remind you of anything you’ve read earlier? What do you think he meant when he told Mary a sword would pierce her soul also?

___ Tuesday: Isaiah 53
This reading may seem out of place in the Christmas story, but it is a part of the big picture. This is a prophecy about Jesus and about the death that He would die for us. What does this Scripture say about Jesus? How was this fulfilled? Spend time today thanking Jesus for the sacrifice He made for you!

Here is a video that goes with this passage.  (Note: it may be too much for younger kids, be sure to view it first yourself before deciding whether or not to show it to your kids)

___ Wednesday: Luke 2:36-40
Who met Jesus in these verses? How did she respond? How does it say Jesus grew? You are also growing. What are some ways that you have grown in wisdom? What are some ways that you still need to grow in wisdom?

___ Thursday: Matthew 2:1-12
  Who was searching for Jesus? Why? Where did they find Jesus? What did they give to Jesus? Christmas is a day that many people give gifts to one another as a reminder of the gift Jesus gave for us – and as a reminder of the  gifts the Magi gave. If you could give any gift to Jesus, what would it be? Why?  Spend time today thanking Jesus for the best gift of all – His life so we could be saved from our sins.

___ Friday: Matthew 2:13-23
This is a sad part of the Christmas story that we often like to forget. What happened in these verses? Why? Was Herod successful at getting rid of Jesus? Do you think it was totally Herod’s idea to kill all the babies? Who do you think was controlling  Herod? Why? Satan wanted Jesus dead. He had already tried to wipe out Jesus’s family line several times in the Old Testament, and now he was going directly for Jesus. Today, anyone who follows Jesus is an enemy of Satan. But our God is more powerful than Satan and, no matter what Satan tries to do to you, he cannot take you away from God. Spend time thanking God for that today.

Here is an encouraging song to remind you that God is with you and He is stronger than anything or anyone else!

Additional Activities: Make a cross ornament for your tree to remind you of the sacrifice of Jesus, Look at some old photo albums to see how you have grown physically over the years, talk with your family about how you have grown spiritually, Make some special gifts to give to people in your neighborhood or community who do not have much this Christmas, go Christmas caroling to help spread the love of Christ, deliver Christmas cookies to a homeless shelter.


Week One

___ Monday: Malachi 3:1
Who does God say He will send? A messenger tells something special. Pretend you are a messenger. Make a microphone out of an old toilet paper tube and run through the house telling everyone that Jesus is coming.

___ Tuesday: Malachi 4:5-6
God told the people that He was going to send a prophet right before Jesus came.  Then God was quiet and didn’t talk to the people for 400 years! That’s a long time! How high can you count? Let’s count together! (Count as high as you can). Now let’s count to 400 a quicker way (count to 400 by 10’s).

___ Wednesday: Luke 1:11-20
God promised Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth that they would have a baby, but  Zacharias didn’t believe. What happened to Zacharias? Let’s play a game of charades. You have to get me to guess what you are trying to tell me without talking! (Give your child several easy things to act out – animals, activities, etc). Have fun playing charades together and then talk about how hard it must have been for Zacharias to not be able to talk for so long.

___ Thursday: Isaiah 7:14
Do you remember the name that the baby was going to have? It was the name  “Immanuel”. Immanuel means “God with us”. Talk about what that means.

___ Friday: Luke 1:26-38
What happened to Mary in these verses? Make an angel craft with your child. You could try this one or this one.Put ribbon on it and hang it on your Christmas tree.

 Week Two

___ Monday: Luke 1:39-45
Where did Mary go after hearing from the angel? Look at some pictures of your child as a baby or ultrasound pictures if you have them. Discuss how he was alive even when he was inside of you – just like the babies in these verses.  You may also want to spend some time “leaping” for joy, just like the baby in Elizabeth did when Mary arrived!

___ Tuesday: Luke 1:46-49
Mary is praising the Lord in these verses. Let’s do the same thing today! Make some instruments out of pots and pans (or craft supplies) and spend some time making a joyful noise to the Lord together.

___ Wednesday: Luke 1:57-64
What did Elizabeth and Zacharias name their baby? Teach your child how to write the name John and then act this passage out with him. Have him pretend to be Zacharias – not able to talk and trying to communicate. Then give him paper and let him write the name “John” and then have him start talking. If your child can’t write, just let him scribble.

Here is a fun video to reinforce this Bible lesson:

___ Thursday: Luke 1:67-70
Now Zacharias is praising the Lord! Let’s have another Praise Party! This time you can make instruments, use your instruments from the other day, or play cds or videos. Sing along and praise God together.

___ Friday: John 1:14
Do you know who this verse is talking about? It’s talking about Jesus! Jesus became a  baby so that we could have eternal life! Have a baby shower for Jesus! Drink koolaid and cake and draw pictures of what types of gifts you would give at a baby shower for Jesus.

Week Three

___ Monday: Matthew 1:18-21
What was Joseph told to call the baby? Teach your child how to write the name “Jesus”. Then make a baby Jesus decoration for your tree.

 ___ Tuesday: Micah 5:2
Where does this say the Promised One will be born? Teach your child the song “O Little Town of Bethlehem”. Sing it together or watch a video of it.

___ Wednesday: Luke 2:1-7
Mary and Joseph were about to have a baby, but they had to take a trip. Do you remember why? Let’s pretend we are going on a trip! Pretend to pack your bags and then pretend to take a long walk to Bethlehem. Have lots of fun pretending this with your child.

___ Thursday: Luke 2:8-14
Who appeared to the shepherds? Let’s act this one out! Spend time acting it out.  Have even more fun and make costumes. Then take pictures of your child  pretending to be the shepherds or angels. Put the pictures together on a card and send it out to someone.

___ Friday: Luke 2:15-20
Make a nativity scene craft with your child.

 Week Four

___ Monday: Luke 2:25-32
Simeon was excited to see Jesus. Do you know why? Jesus was called a light. We are also supposed to be a light. Do you know what that means? Sing “This little light of mine” together.

___ Tuesday: Isaiah 53:5-6
We must remember that Jesus came as a baby, but the reason He came was to die for our sins. Make a cross ornament for your Christmas tree.

 ___ Wednesday: Luke 2:39-40
Jesus grew! You are growing, too. How are you growing? Look at an old photo album and talk about how your child has grown over the years. Talk also about how your child will continue to grow. Make a handprint ornament for your tree.

 ___ Thursday: Matthew 2:1-12
Who was searching for Jesus? Why? Where did they find Jesus? What did they give to Jesus? Christmas is a day that many people give gifts to one another as a reminder of the gift Jesus gave for us – and as a reminder of the  gifts the Magi gave. If you could give any gift to Jesus, what would it be? Why?  Spend time today thanking Jesus for the best gift of all – His life so we could be saved from our sins.

___ Friday: Matthew 2:13-15
Joseph and Mary were warned to get out of there because King Herod wanted to hurt the baby. Even today, some people don’t like Jesus. Spend time praying for the  people who don’t love Jesus.


Are you finished with the Christmas Bible Reading Plan?  Check out one of my other Bible reading plans and keep reading the Word of God!

And, as you head into a new year, you might be interested in using one of these resources with your kids:

Bold_ A 10 Week Study for Churches and Families
The Call: A 10-Week Study for Families and Churches
The Feast: A 7 Week Easter Study for Families

6 thoughts on “Christmas Bible Reading Plan for Children

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  1. What an easy to follow bible schedule! Advent season is in the air…can hardly believe how fast the year has flown 🙂
    Visiting from this week’s Inspired By Me Mondays; hope you come back & link up with us again 🙂

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